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259 VIOLET PARK CEMETERY [WOLFS DEN]  -   Surname starts with X
Location - at the corner of Moline and Concord Streets, a block north of the old Hillside High School, across the street from St. Titus Church.
Coordinates: 35d 58m 40.5s N; 78d 54m 11.0s W Click here for Online Maps
This abandoned cemetery held the remains of over 1,900 graves. The cemetery was originally called Violet Park after the mother of John Merrick, one of three prominent black men who established the N.C. Mutual Life Insurance Company in Durham at the turn of the century. The cemetery was later called Wolfs Den because of a vagrant who kept a number of large dogs and often slept in the graveyard.
The information for this cemetery was provided by Carrie McNair. She spent a month during the fall of 1994 extracting the names and dates from the vital statistic books kept by Durham County.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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