Alphabetical List of Randolph County Burials
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From: Aaron, Edwin T. | Thru: Allen, William Brady |
From: Allen, William Fred | Thru: Allred, Margaret Lorraine Freeman |
From: Allred, Margie Esther | Thru: Armstrong, Phillip Nelson |
From: Armstrong, Ruby T | Thru: Baldwin, Charlie M |
From: Baldwin, Clarence E | Thru: Beane, Anderson T |
From: Beane, Annie Dixon | Thru: Betts, Walter F |
From: Beu, George M | Thru: Bostick, Hilda |
From: Bostick, James Reid | Thru: Brady, Jeanette Ellen |
From: Brady, Jesse Alfred | Thru: Breedlove, Levi |
From: Breedlove, Margaret C. Amick | Thru: Brooks, Rebecca Alice Morgan |
From: Brooks, Richard Lee | Thru: Brown, E Warren |
From: Brown, E Willard | Thru: Brown, Malinda M. |
From: Brown, Mamie Bray | Thru: Budd, Earl Curtis (Pvt.) |
From: Buheller, John Anthony | Thru: Burgess, Grover C Sr |
From: Burgess, Hattie Estella | Thru: Burrow, Prissilla |
From: Burrow, R Odell | Thru: Cagle, Talton E |
From: Cagle, Tammie Comer | Thru: Carter, Helen D |
From: Carter, Hugh L. | Thru: Caviness, John Robert |
From: Caviness, John S. | Thru: Chisholm, Owen Wesley |
From: Chisholm, Robert Milton "Bob" | Thru: Coble, Ida Lena |
From: Coble, Ila L | Thru: Coltraine, Margaret |
From: Coltraine, Phillip | Thru: Cooper, Charlie Edward |
From: Cooper, Charlie Henry | Thru: Cox, Candice A |
From: Cox, Carl A | Thru: Cox, Marshall R Jr |
From: Cox, Marshall R Sr | Thru: Cranford, Edward Maxwell, Jr |
From: Cranford, Edward Maxwell, Sr | Thru: Craven, Mary |
From: Craven, Mary | Thru: Crowell, William Benjamin |
From: Crowley, Dorothy Armstrong | Thru: Davis, Charles Clayton "Charlie" |
From: Davis, Charles E | Thru: Davis, Thomas E |
From: Davis, Thomas Gordon "Tommy" | Thru: Dillard, Jack |
From: Dillion, Hugh L | Thru: Eades, David Roscoe |
From: Eades, Liza Edwards | Thru: Elmore, Grayson |
From: Elmore, J B | Thru: Farlow, Sarah Emeline Dougan |
From: Farlow, Sarah Mae | Thru: Fields, Lelia M Frazier |
From: Fields, Lena R | Thru: Foust, Numa |
From: Foust, Paul Newton | Thru: Freeland, James "Pookey" |
From: Freeland, James Vance | Thru: Garkalns, Julius |
From: Garkalns, Sofya Asmas | Thru: Gaster, Maggie E |
From: Gaster, Mary E | Thru: Goodwin, Ruby |
From: Goodwin, Shirley Ann Gorrell | Thru: Greene, Annie Edith Sheron |
From: Greene, Atlas Alexander | Thru: Hall, Cora May Byrd |
From: Hall, Creighton Ryan | Thru: Hancock, Lonnie E |
From: Hancock, Lutitia Freeman | Thru: Harris, Josiah |
From: Harris, Juanita Kidd | Thru: Hayes, Stacy A. |
From: Hayes, Stephen C | Thru: Henly, Ruth |
From: Hennis, Infant | Thru: Hill, Elizabeth |
From: Hill, Elizabeth | Thru: Hinshaw, Fleta Allen |
From: Hinshaw, Flora Garner | Thru: Hollady, Roy T |
From: Hollady, Sarah C | Thru: Hopper, Thomas Briggs |
From: Horeher, Wayne P | Thru: Hundley, Robert Earl |
From: Huneycutt, Cordella Caven | Thru: Hussey, Robert Gayle, Jr |
From: Hussey, Robert H | Thru: Jarrell, Donnie Brian |
From: Jarrell, Donnie Ray | Thru: Johnson, Edward Lee |
From: Johnson, Edward Lee | Thru: Jones, Eugenia H |
From: Jones, Eula Brady | Thru: Kallam, Obie Cal |
From: Kanipe, Nellie Lanier Tesh | Thru: Kelly, John H |
From: Kelly, Ronald Dean | Thru: Kime, Charles Edward |
From: Kime, Charles F | Thru: Kinney, Warren Gemale |
From: Kinney, William Gurney | Thru: Kivett, Mary A |
From: Kivett, Mary E | Thru: Lambert, Grady |
From: Lambert, Guy Thomas | Thru: Lanier, Media Cornelison |
From: Lanier, Myrtle Johnson | Thru: Layne, John Lee |
From: Layne, Sallie Ellen | Thru: Leviner, Pelger |
From: Lewallen, Alice Rush | Thru: Lineberry, Mary Winters |
From: Lineberry, Maude E | Thru: Lovett, Charles R |
From: Lovett, Clarence Joseph | Thru: Luck, Garland J |
From: Luck, Gary Thomas Jr | Thru: Macon, William |
From: Macon, William Oscar | Thru: Marley, Eugene |
From: Marley, Eugene Daher | Thru: McAllister, Charlies Coivin |
From: McAllister, Eila Burwell | Thru: McDowell, Talbert Ervin |
From: McDowell, Thomas J | Thru: McMcelreath, Infant Boy |
From: McMillan, Debra Elizabeth | Thru: Miller, Buddy Harris |
From: Miller, Callie Lee | Thru: Moffitt, Cecil J. |
From: Moffitt, Cecil J., Jr | Thru: Moore, Elizabeth Turner |
From: Moore, Elsie H | Thru: Mullen, Hugh |
From: Mullen, Lydia | Thru: Nelson, Claude E. |
From: Nelson, Claudia G | Thru: Olm, Josephine |
From: Olson, Charles R | Thru: Parks, Ada M |
From: Parks, Alers | Thru: Patterson, John Armpstead |
From: Patterson, John M | Thru: Phillips, Eli C |
From: Phillips, Elizabeth Smith | Thru: Poole, Dovie P |
From: Poole, Eddie Roy | Thru: Presnell, Xurada |
From: Presnell, Yvonne L | Thru: Pugh, Joe |
From: Pugh, John | Thru: Rancourt, Richard Joseph |
From: Randall, Alexander | Thru: Reitzel, Hugh Filmore |
From: Reitzel, John Guy | Thru: Richardson, Kelly Elizabeth |
From: Richardson, Laura B | Thru: Robbins, Gertrude Jarrell |
From: Robbins, Ginger Ann | Thru: Routh, Alice Williams |
From: Routh, Allen Jay | Thru: Rush, Minter C. |
From: Rush, Mollie Hammond | Thru: Schroder, Leroy Charles |
From: Schwan, Thelma Alene Damm | Thru: Shaw, William Earl |
From: Shaw, William Ira | Thru: Simmons, Pearl N |
From: Simmons, Raeford Grover | Thru: Smith, Charlie |
From: Smith, Charlie Kermit | Thru: Smith, Rosa York |
From: Smith, Rossie Perry | Thru: Spencer, Henry Grady |
From: Spencer, Henry Maxton | Thru: Staley, Mary Jane L |
From: Staley, Mary Jane Ledbetter | Thru: Stevenson, John E |
From: Stevenson, Juanita Brower | Thru: Strickland, Gurney Eugene |
From: Strickland, Hannah M | Thru: Swieder, Ruby Jean Simpson |
From: Swiers, Jane Sellers | Thru: Thomas, Doris Cranford |
From: Thomas, Edgar Emerson | Thru: Trogdon, Charles H |
From: Trogdon, Charlie Rebecca Dennis | Thru: Tucker, Richard |
From: Tucker, Robert Ernest | Thru: Upton, Henry F |
From: Upton, James W | Thru: Vuncannon, Arta Misha |
From: Vuncannon, Arthur F | Thru: Walker, Sandra Annette |
From: Walker, Sarah Jane | Thru: Ward, Mabel Spoon |
From: Ward, Mae Yow | Thru: Welch, John R. |
From: Welch, John Russell | Thru: Whitehead, Dorothy Allen |
From: Whitehead, Edwin M, I | Thru: Williams, Faye Allen |
From: Williams, Faye Allen | Thru: Williamson, Charlie E |
From: Williamson, Cladie Angeline | Thru: Wohlford, Clara Frances Walker |
From: Wohlford, Clarence B | Thru: Wright, Arthur W |
From: Wright, Barbara Jane Voncannon | Thru: York, C Wade |
From: York, Callie F | Thru: York, Sherman A. |
From: York, Sherman E | Thru: Zudonyi, Michael Daniel |
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Web page created 24 July 2021