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Location - near the intersection of Belgreen Rd and Silver Star Dr. across the street from 3202 Silver Star Drive, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Coordinates: 35d 55m 56.6s N; 78d 54m 03.1s W Click here for Online Maps
Surveyed by Linda Thompson in early 2013. Surveyed by Harvey Estes in October 2013. Updates to burials by Allen Dew in September 2013.
The cemetery is in dense woods. It appears to be a Black cemetery and is abandoned. It is identified on older topo maps as a very large cemetery.
Harvey Estes visited the site on 6 October 2013. The Church parking lot provided a good parking place. The street is paved and easily accessible via Fayetteville Road and Belgreen Road. The site is slightly uphill from the Church. If you stand at the sign in front of the church and look across the street, note a street drainage grate at the edge of the street on the opposite side almost directly across the street. Sight along a line from the church sign across the drainage gate and into the trees beyond. I was able to spot the one standing grave stone about 20 to 30 feet into the trees, beyond the grass planted street border.
As you enter the forested area, approaching the standing grave stone, there are numerous sunken grave sites, many with mature trees growing from the sunken area. My estimate is that there are over fifty such sunken sites, in meandering rows, with the one standing stone (Walter Jenkins) in one such row. Near the one stone are two smalller unmarked concrete stone, size approximately 4 X 4 X12 inch, upright, that may have been foot markers for graves. One is in the same row as the upright stone, and the other is in the next row. To the right of the upright stone and in the next row away from the road is a stone (Moses Yates) which was upright at one time, but is now flat on the ground, and has probably been so for some years. One of the numerous sunken grave sites has a funeral home metal ID marker with legible writing, and there are several rusted out remnants of other similar markers among the graves.
Adjacent to the site of the cemetery, near the intersection of Belgreen Road and Silver Star Drive, is a large dump of discarded household debris and building scraps which extends several hundred feet into the wooded area. My guess is that those who dumped these materials avoided the cemetery, but one cannot be sure that this is the case. Nor can I make out a distinct border for the grave sites. The area containing the dump has a "For Sale" sign along Silver Star Drive.
Barbee, Bettie Scott (b. Abt 1884 - d. 11 Feb 1913)
Daughter of Henry Clay Scott and Ann Hopson Scott.
Bullock, Cora Chavis Scott (b. Abt 1883 - d. 9 Mar 1930)
Wife of Charlie Bullock. Daughter of Henry Clay Scott and Ann Hopson Scott.
Hopson, Thomas (b. 8 May 1858 - d. 5 Nov 1941)
Husband of Sallie Hopson. Son of West Hopson.
Jenkins, Jackson Walter (b. Abt 1904 - d. 3 Dec 1929)
Son of William Jenkins and Mattie Blake Jenkins.
Scott, Ann Hopson (b. 20 Apr 1850 - d. 6 May 1922)
Wife of Henry Clay Scott. Mother of Bettie Scott Barbee, Joseph Scott and Ora Scott Hayes.
Scott, Henry Clay (b. Abt 1849 - d. 5 Nov 1942)
Husband of Ann Hopson Scott. Son of Harriett Scott
Scott, Joseph (b. Abt 1872 - d. 3 Jul 1930)
Husband of Minnie B. Scott. Son of Henry Clay Scott and Ann Hopson Scott.
Yates, Moses C. (b. 16 Jan 1920 - d. 9 Jun 1927)
Son of Isaac Yates and Pink Scott Yates.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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