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Location - off Morehead Avenue and adjacent to Old Maplewood Cemetery.
Coordinates: 35d 59m 30.0s N; 78d 55m 00.0s W Click here for Online Maps
This cemetery was established in 1882. Access is best gained by going through the Maplewood cemetery entrance on Kent Street just off Morehead Avenue. The Hebrew Cemetery has an older section and a newer section. Most of the tombstones in both sections contain Hebrew script. There are over 360 graves in the cemetery. In memory of Yitzhak Rabin.
Information furnished by Gladys Siegal in March 1996 on some of the more recent burials. Complete survey of the cemetery and pictures provided by Allen Dew in February 2004. Some inscription translations and additional information furnished by Rita J. Traub of Atlanta GA. Most of the translations were done by Gilda Kurtzman of Petach Tikva, Israel during September 2004. Some of the really difficult translations were done by Meir Romem of Jerusalem, Israel. Additional translations done by Ira Leviton of New York, NY.
Many of the markers have the inscription T.N.Tz.B.H. (traditional inscription from I Samuel 25:29) abreviation for - May his soul be bound in the Bond of Life. The full scripture is: "May G-d remember the soul of my father, my teacher, (name of deceased), who has gone on to his world, because, without making a vow, I shall give to charity on his behalf. As reward for this, may his soul be bound in the Bond of Life, together with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah; and together with the other righteous men and women in the Garden of Eden...."
Do you know how to read the Hebrew inscriptions? Are you willing to help translate the Hebrew into English? Click on the link: Please help translate this marker and you will get a high resolution picture of the grave marker which you can save to your computer. Translate the inscription, or get help with the translation, and Email your results to Allen Dew for inclusion on this web page. Please identify each translation with the exact picture number. Thank you for helping others.
Abelkop, Aaron (b. 8 Jun 1889 - d. 26 Jul 1928)
?? need to check dates. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our heart is full of grief. We mourn our father. There is no end to our pain. Aharon son of Zvi ha'Levi Abelkop. Died on 11 Av 5698.
Abelkop, Edith S. (b. 29 Sep 1901 - d. 14 Feb 1972)
Translation: Eta daughter of Mr. Shmuel. Died 30 Shvat 5632. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Abelkop, Harris (b. Sep 1860 - d. 25 Sep 1952)
'Beloved father and grandfather', 'None knew thee but to love thee'. Translation: Here lies one who pursued charity and grace and sought God, loved mankind, father of orphans. All his deeds throughout his life were pure and pleasant. Died with a good name and in the fullness of years. Zvi Yehuda son of Yosef ha'Levi. Died on 6 Tishrei Taf Shin Yud Gimmel (5712). T.N.Tz.B.H.
Abelkop, Isadore (b. - d. 31 Dec 1936)
North Carolina, Pvt. US Marine Corps. Translation: My dear son. Yitzchak Meir son of Mr. Tzvi Yehuda (ha'Levi) cut off from life. Died 17 Tevet 5697. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Abelkop, Jennie (b. Abt 1869 - d. 6 Apr 1932)
Age 63 years. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts mourn the death of our dear mother Sheina Malka daughter of Mr. Avraham. Died on the eve of the New Month Nissan in the year 5692. since the creation of the world.
Abelkop, Milton Stanley (b. 3 Oct 1923 - d. 24 Nov 1996)
Abelkop, Selich (b. 10 Jan 1881 - d. 9 Aug 1926)
Abrahamson, Mordecai (b. - d. 6 Mar 1924)
Abramowitz, Dora (Mrs.) (b. - d. 16 Jul 1930)
Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. We mourn over the death of our genteel mother. Dvorah Abramowitz daughter of David, who passed away on 29 Tammuz 5690.
Abramson, Gustave (b. 30 Nov 1928 - d. 24 Jul 1998)
'Loving husband and father'. Translation: Getzel son of Shmuel. 01 Menachem Av 5758. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Allen, Isaac (b. - d. 7 Mar 1894)
Translation: Mr. Yitzchak son of Yehoshua Allen. Our father who went to his rest, and made us sad to despair (sad and mournful?). On the 29th of Adar 5654. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Amazon, Irving (b. 29 Dec 1903 - d. 1 Jul 1984)
Translation: Ieving Amazon. 01Tamuz 5744. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Amazon, Mary K. (b. 13 Oct 1908 - d. 9 Feb 1985)
Translation: Miriam Amazon. 28 Shvat 5745. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Apter, Annie Sher (b. Abt 1886 - d. 7 Apr 1966)
Age 80 years. 'Beloved Wife and mother'. Translation: Here is buried. Chana daughter of Mr. Asher. Died 17 Nissan 5726. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Apter, Morris (b. Abt 1890 - d. 5 Oct 1949)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Here is buried. Moshe son of Mr. Yakov. Died 12 Tishrei 5710. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Apter, Oscar (b. 27 Jun 1916 - d. 22 Feb 1970)
Translation: Mr. Asher son of Moshe. Died 15 Adar II, 5730. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Arenow, Isidor (b. 1 Oct 1884 - d. 29 Mar 1976)
'Remembered by relations, friends and Bethel Congregation.' Translation: Mr. Yitzchak son of Mr. Aharon. Died 27 Adar II, 5737. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bane, Benjamin (b. - d. 29 Sep 1953)
Spouse - Sarah S. Bane. Translation: Here Rests Our Dear Father After much labor and sigh to find here grave and peace Mr. Binyamin son of Mr. David who was killed on 20th Tishre Year 5714. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bane, Henry (Judge) (b. 13 May 1904 - d. 13 Oct 1998)
'Devoted son, honored brother and cousin. Proud son of Armian Lithuania. The works of his hands are truth and justice.' Translation: Here Rests Elchanan son of Mr. Binyamin 24th Tishre 5759.
Bane, Lillian Gertrude (b. - d. 4 Aug 1938)
Daughter of S. and Esther Bane. Translation: "For Man is A Field Tree". Gravestone of the burial of the modest maiden Miss Leiba Gittel, daughter of Mr. Shlomo. Plucked from life on 7th of Av 5698, to the sorrow of her parents and all who knew her righteousness and sweetness of her deeds. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bane, Mollie (b. - d. 16 Feb 1910)
Bane, Sarah S. (b. Abt 1869 - d. 26 Jun 1941)
Spouse - Benjamin Bane. Age 72 years. Translation: "For Man is A Field Tree". Here Rests Our Dear Mother Sarah Sheva daughter of Mr. Zeharia. Died on 1st Tamuz 5701. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Baron, Emma Silver (b. Abt 1899 - d. 14 Jun 1929)
Spouse - Albert Baron. Age 30 years. Daughter of F. Silver (born in Russia). Emma was born in Philadelphia. She died during childbirth. Her grave marker has Emma Silver. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. My eyes are filled with tears on the death of my daughter Vichna, daughter of Mr. Ephraim Zelig, who departed from this life on the eve of Shavouth (Festival of Weeks) in the year 5689.
Baron, Infant (b. 14 Jun 1929 - d. 14 Jun 1929)
Stillborn. Daughter of Albert Baron and Emma Silver Baron.
Becker, Morris (b. 22 Jul 1910 - d. 24 Sep 1996)
'Loving husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Moshe son of Avraham. 11 Tishrei, 5757. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Becker, Shirley Levtow (b. 29 Mar 1909 - d. 27 Feb 2000)
'Loving Wife, mother and grandmother'. Translation: Sarah daughter of Yakov and Rivka. 21 Adar I, 5740. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Beider, Bertha (b. - d. 6 Feb 1916)
Beider, Yehuda Leib (b. - d. 1899)
All inscription is in Hebrew. Son of Mr. Shelomo Bider. Translation: Here is buried Yehuda Leib, son of Shlomo Beider. Died on the day Dvarim 7th of the month Menachem Av 5659. Another view of marker.
Bergman, Bertha K. (b. 3 Nov 1913 - d. 11 Dec 1979)
Spouse - Harry R. Bergman. Translation: Baila daughter of Avraham Ber. 21 Kislev 5740. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bergman, Bessie Hyatt (b. 17 Oct 1911 - d. 4 May 1969)
'Beloved Wife and mother'. Translation: Basha daughter of Shlomo. Died 15 Lyar 5729. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bergman, David (b. 12 Aug 1912 - d. 11 Mar 1957)
Translation: My husband, the head of the family. David son of Aharon. Died on the 8th day of Adar II in the year 5717. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bergman, Harry R. (b. 6 Feb 1914 - d. 12 May 1991)
Spouse - Bertha K. Bergman. Translation: Hershel son of Aharon. 28 Sivan 5751. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bergman, Mitchell (b. 2 Feb 1910 - d. 10 Jul 1967)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Mr. Michal son of Mr. Aharon. Died 03 Tamuz, 5757. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Berkowitz, Sarah Levitt (b. 4 May 1915 - d. 21 Dec 1968)
Translation: Here is buried. Sarah daughter of Mr. Moshe. Died 30 Kislev, 5729. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Berman, Mary (b. 11 Mar 1894 - d. 26 Jun 1984)
Spouse - Samuel Berman. Translation: Here lies, Miriam daughter of Avraham. Died 27 Sivan 5744. A woman of valor who will find. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Berman, Samuel (b. 15 Mar 1887 - d. 29 Jul 1961)
Spouse - Mary Berman. Translation: Buried here. A righteous person, a loyal person, a shelter for the poor and a refuge for the needy. Doing good deeds, a just person making life better for others ??? Mr. Yeshayahu son of Avraham. Died on the 16th day of Av 5725. T.N.Tz.B.H. [the Hebrew date should be 5721, but the stone has a hey (5) instead of aleph (1) at the end]
Bermard, Sophia (b. - d. )
Bernstein, Eugene (b. 21 Jul 1917 - d. 28 Jul 1971)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Yudel son of Shmuel Leib. Died 05 Av, 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Bernstein, Marilyn M. (b. 18 Feb 1927 - d. 20 Feb 1997)
Spouse - Saul Bernstein. Translation: Rut Miriam daughter of Avraham. 14 Adar II, 5757.
Bernstein, Saul (b. 10 Jun 1910 - d. 8 Oct 2000)
Spouse - Marilyn M. Bernstein. Translation: Zecharia son of Chaim (ha'Levi). 09 Tishrei, 5741.
Bishku, Martin (b. 3 Mar 1926 - d. 22 Mar 1993)
Double monument with room for Wife.
Blankfield, Charlie (b. Apr 1906 - d. 24 Feb 1910)
Blankfield, William Jacob (b. 2 Mar 1875 - d. 6 Dec 1955)
'Beloved brother and uncle'. Translation: The head of our family has fallen. Velvel Yokov son of Moshe. Died on the 21st day of Kislev in the year 5616. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Block, Joan Rosen (b. 5 Jun 1931 - d. 29 Feb 1992)
Bloom, Annie Thelma (b. 14 Mar 1898 - d. 15 Feb 1918)
Boulais, Pearl Yampolsky (b. 12 Mar 1928 - d. 1 Nov 1989)
Brenner, Esther (b. 15 May 1861 - d. 2 Apr 1928)
Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Streams of water are dripping from our eyes on the death of our beloved mother. The woman Esther daughter of Mr. Yitzchak Brenner. Died 23 Adar 5688.
Browdy, Morris B. (b. 15 Aug 1893 - d. 13 Jun 1935)
Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our eyes are crying on the death of our dear father. Moshe son of Mr. Mordechai. Who was killed on 20th Sivan 5695.
Cohan, Philip (b. 11 Feb 1891 - d. 25 Jul 1968)
Translation: Mr. Feivel Hirsh son of Reuven. Died 29 Tamuz, 5728. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Cohen, Dweira (b. - d. 13 Mar 1918)
Cohen, E. (b. - d. 21 Feb 1941)
[Inscriptions] 'T.N.Tz.B.H., Yisrael Yitzchak son of Mr. Yehuda, who began eternal life with happiness on the 5th of Shvat 5701.' There is a Masonic emblem on the marker.
E. Cohen's real name in English was Israel Isaac Cohen, but he preferred the initial E. He liked to be called Judge Cohen, the 'Judge' being and honorary title. He served on the Chevra Kadisha (burial society). He probably lived in Danville and South Boston VA before arriving in Durham about 1895.
His Wife was Gruna Cohen. After living for decades in Durham, in the 1930's he moved near his sisters in South Boston VA. He passed away in Scranton PA in 1941 while staying with his eldest child Fannie Cohen Weiss.
Cohen, E. (Mrs.)(Jennie) (b. Abt 1869 - d. 16 Jan 1914)
Inscription: [under the Star of David, looks like] 'Zion to the living soul'. [Text block, rhymes in Yiddish] 'My heart throbs, My tears flow, My pain is great, There is nobody to ask'. [next lines] 'Gruna daughter of Mr. Mordechai The Cohen. Died 16 Tevet 5674. [next line] T.N.Tz.B.H. The rhyme in text may have been composed by her grieving husband, E. Cohen.
Her death certificate indicates she died 14 January 1914 rather than 16 January as on her marker. Census records indicate her given name as Grace in 1900 and Jennie in 1910, and her age would put her in her 40's when she died. She died leaving her husband and four children: Fannie (Weiss), Harry, Julius and Lena. Gruna's father's name is followed by 'Ha Cohen', which does not mean that her father's surname was Cohen, but rather her father was a member of the priestly sect of Jews known as Kohanim; he was a 'Kohan'.
Cohen, Harry (b. Abt 1906 - d. 8 Jun 1929)
Age 23 years. Here lies Tzvi son of Avraham ha'Kohen (the Kohen), died on the 29th of Lyar in the year 5689. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Cohen, Lena (b. 1866 - d. 14 Dec 1905)
Cohen, Lewis D. (b. 21 Nov 1919 - d. 7 Sep 1999)
'Devoted father and grandfather, loving husband and best friend to his Wife'.
Cohen, Rebecca (b. Abt 1825 - d. Jul 1919)
[Inscriptions] 'Here is the grave of Rebecca', 'The modest woman Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Yehoshua Heschel, who began eternal life twenty-eight days to the month of Tamuz year 5679, T.N.Tz.B.H.'
Rebecca was a legendary woman in Durham's Jewish community. She was a walking encyclopedia of Jewish law and ritual, a member of the Chevra Kadisha, extremely brilliant. She was a mother of six children. Rebecca arrived in Baltimore from Lithuania with the name 'Reifka Cohen', alone at age 64 on 17 September 1889. Her death certificate gives her father's name as 'Jesse Ashe'.
Cohen, Sarah Marks (b. 31 Dec 1904 - d. 13 Oct 1994)
Translation: Sarah daughter of Eli. Died 08 Cheshvan 5655. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Colvin, Abram Jeff (b. 28 Dec 1904 - d. 21 Sep 1976)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Here is buried Abraham son of Shimon. Died 26 Elul 5636. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Daniel, Samuel (b. 1904 - d. 1962)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: He serves his creator with all his heart. He does good deeds with his fortune, with a pure heart and clean hands. God took him to the everlasting life. Shmuel Meir son of Mr. Ariye Dov. Died on 28 Nissan 5722.
Daniel, Shirley Miller (b. 19 Feb 1911 - d. 17 Feb 1953)
Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Here lies a virtuous woman, the crown of her home and children, unpretentious, honest and pleasant in her deeds. Mrs. Sarah daughter of Mr. Shmaryahu. Died on the 23rd day of Adar in the year 5713.
Davisdow, Leah (Mrs) (b. 1884 - d. 25 Nov 1908)
Dworsky, Dinah Kadish (b. 19 Sep 1895 - d. 26 Sep 1988)
Translation: She guided her children with good sense. She opened her hands to the poor and needy. The beloved woman Dina daughter of Shalom. Died at an old age on the 28th day of Tishrei in the year 5749. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Dworsky, Solomon H. (b. 11 Nov 1883 - d. 25 Aug 1955)
Translation: Here is buried. Our dear father, the head of our family. Did many righteous acts for his people, Israel. His good and honest deeds were well known and highly praised. Mr. Chaim Zalman son of the rabbi, Mr. Avraham. Died on the 7th day of Elul in the year 5715. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Eggleston, Eileen S. (b. 1 Jun 1960 - d. 24 Aug 1994)
'Beloved Wife and daughter'. Translation: Itka Sarah daughter of Avraham Yitzchak. 17 Elul 5654. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Eisenberg, Gertrude S. (b. 18 Oct 1892 - d. 23 Apr 1985)
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'. Translation: Gitel daughter of Mr. Shimon. Died 02 Lyar 5745. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Eisenberg, Morris (b. 15 Dec 1882 - d. 30 Jul 1959)
Translation: Here lies a man of purity, who takes pleasure in his toil and makes a living for his Wife and sons with dignity. A faithful worker toiling until his return to the dust. Mr. Moshe son of Mr. Zecharya. Died on 6 Av 5719. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Enoch, B. (Mrs.) (b. - d. 7 Nov 1913)
Enoch, Rachel (b. 9 Jun 1904 - d. 30 Dec 1914)
Enock, Hannah (b. Abt 1839 - d. 23 Oct 1907)
Enock, Nathan (b. - d. 17 Nov 1906)
Evans, Emanuel Joshua (b. 2 May 1907 - d. 28 Feb 1997)
Evans, Sara Nachamson (b. 2 Jul 1905 - d. 23 Mar 1986)
Fagan, Samuel (b. 20 Dec 1863 - d. 26 Mar 1960)
Spouse - Yetta Fagan. Translation: Here lies a dear man, pleasant to the people and pleasant to the Lord, devoted to his creator, who walked in the way of God. May he be rewarded for his deeds. His body will rest in peace and at the end of time he will be redeemed. Mr. Shmuel son of Mr. Yaakov. Died on 27 Adar 5720.
Fagan, Yetta (b. Jun 1871 - d. 23 Oct 1930)
Spouse - Samuel Fagan. 'In memory of', 'Beloved Wife of', 'Gone, but not forgotten'. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Tears are falling from our eyes at the death of our dear mother, Eta, daughter of Mr. Yakov. Departed from this life 01 Mar Cheshvan in the year 5691.
Fines, Joseph Benjamin (b. Feb 1892 - d. 1 Apr 1892)
Son of A. and D. Fines. Age 7 weeks.
Fink, Jeanette (b. - d. 1994)
Fink, Marvin A. (b. Jun 1939 - d. 15 Dec 1948)
'In memory of our son and brother'. Translation: Here is buried. A young child. Mordechai Avraham Bramsha. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Fink, Murray (b. 1 Nov 1897 - d. 13 Mar 1967)
Translation: Moshe Mordechai (ha'Kohen). Died 02 Adar II, 5727. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Fink, Sam Reevan (b. 10 Jan 1912 - d. 18 Feb 1994)
'Loving and devoted husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Here is buried. Rachmiel Reuven son of Hershel Tzvi. 08 Adar 5744. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Frank, Ruth Pudolsky (b. 24 Jul 1928 - d. 1 Aug 2012)
Born in Boston, Mass.. Wife of Dr. Michael M Frank. Howerton & Bryan Funeral Service
Freedman, Daniel (b. - d. 25 Nov 1926)
Age 53 years. 'Father'. Translation: Here lies, our beloved father, Daniel son of Yakov Shalom, may he rest in peace. For this we cry. Tears flow from our eyes, at the death of our dear father, who was taken by God in the middle of his life. We remained like a flock without a shepherd. Died on the 5th day of Kislev 5682.
Freedman, David (b. 25 Aug 1908 - d. 21 May 2000)
Translation: David Daniel. 16 Lyar 5740.
Freedman, Israel (b. 23 Dec 1905 - d. 26 Mar 1986)
Translation: Yisrael son of Daniel. Died 15 Adar II, 5746. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Freedman, Jacob S. (b. 18 Dec 1900 - d. 6 May 1971)
On same marker with May Freedman Man. 'In loving memory of our dear devoted husband and father'. Translation: Mr. Yakov son of Daniel. Died 11 Lyar 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Freedman, Mary (b. - d. 14 Oct 1972)
Translation: Mirka daughter of Mr. Daniel. Died 04 Cheshvan 5733. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Freedman, Minnie S. (b. Abt 1874 - d. 5 Jul 1959)
Age 85 years. 'Mother'. Translation: Here is buried. A praiseworthy and dear woman crowned with all honest qualities. Practiced charity all her life and guided her children in the way of the Torah. Mrs. Minnie daughter of Mr. Yisrael. Died on the 29th day of Tamuz in the year 5719. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Freedman, Mollye Newman (b. - d. 9 Apr 1997)
Spouse - Sam Freedman. Translation: Malka daughter of Moshe. 02 Nissan 5757. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Freedman, Sam (b. - d. 27 Mar 1972)
Spouse - Mollye Newman Freedman. Translation: Shimon son of Mr. Daniel. Died 12 Nissan 5632. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Friedl, Ethel (b. 2 Sep 1897 - d. 8 Sep 1985)
'Beloved mother and aunt'.
Friedl, Nicholas (b. 7 Mar 1892 - d. 24 Apr 1983)
'Beloved husband, father and uncle'.
Friedman, Siegfried (b. 15 Mar 1892 - d. 23 Dec 1960)
Born in Germany. Translation: Here lies, a plain and honest man, a generous man. Who walked always in the path of the good. His soul was connected to God. All his deeds were for the sake of God. Mr. Shalom the son of Mr. Shraiger (Shragai ?). Died on 4 Tevet 5721.
Fruchtman, Henry (b. 12 Oct 1896 - d. 13 Jun 1978)
'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Here is buried. Hanoch son of Michal. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Fruchtman, Lillian G. (b. 27 Jan 1899 - d. 18 May 1983)
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'. Translation: Leah daughter of Yosef. 06 Sivan 5743. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gevarter, Sondra Turk (b. 14 Apr 1916 - d. 29 Aug 2002)
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'.
Gingold, Bernard M. (b. 15 Aug 1897 - d. 3 Jan 1977)
'Devoted to family and to the Jewish people'. Translation (Yiddish): Dov Mordechai Gingold. Devoted to Family and the Jewish People.
Gingold, Miriam Weissman (b. 4 Feb 1900 - d. 13 May 2001)
'Lover of Zion - Forever Beloved'. Translation (Yiddish): Miriam Wasserman Gingold. A lover of Zion. Will always be beloved.
Gladstein, David (b. 22 Sep 1887 - d. 27 Aug 1919)
Gladstein, Elkey (b. 10 Jan 1837 - d. 18 Oct 1903)
Gladstein, Fannie S. (b. 1 Feb 1893 - d. 13 Dec 1995)
Spouse - Lewis L. Gladstein. Translation: Braina daughter of Shimon and Sarah. Died 20 Kislev 5756. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Lewis L. (b. 17 Sep 1886 - d. 18 Oct 1973)
Spouse - Fannie S. Gladstein. Translation: Leibel son of Moshe. Died 22 Tishrei 5734. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Lilly Miller (b. 15 Jul 1882 - d. 21 Nov 1969)
Age 87 years. 'Beloved mother'. Translation: Here lies. Rachel Leah daughter of Michel. Died 12 Kislev 5730. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Louis (b. Abt 1880 - d. 2 Dec 1943)
Age 63 years. Translation: Our beloved father, head of the family, the honest man, Mr. Yehuda Leib son of Shalom. Died 05 Kislev 5704. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Melvin (b. 13 Oct 1908 - d. 26 Sep 1993)
'Forever in our hearts', 'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Michal son of Leib. Died 11 Tishrei 5754. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Michael Jay (b. 29 Nov 1942 - d. 13 Feb 1972)
'In loving memory of our beloved son'. Translation: Menachem Yudel son of Michal. Died 29 Shvat 5732. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Moses (b. Abt 1863 - d. 10 Jun 1933)
Age 70 years. Translation: Moshe Michal son of Shaul. Died 15 Sivan 5693. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Nathan David (b. 24 Sep 1913 - d. 22 May 1926)
Translation: Buried here is Nachum David son of Yehuda. Died 9 Sivan 5686.
Gladstein, Sam (b. 1 May 1883 - d. 16 Dec 1952)
Translation: Here is buried. Our father, head of the family. Shmuel son of Moshe Michel. Died on the 28th day of Kislev in the year 5713. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gladstein, Sephrah Bassie (b. - d. 2 Sep 1921)
Gladstone, Saul Isidor (b. 7 May 1903 - d. 4 Oct 1903)
Son of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Gladstone.
Glaser, Harry (b. - d. 5 Oct 1926)
'South Boston, Va.' Translation: Mr. Tzvi Michel son of Avraham Eliyahu Glasser. Died 27 Tishrei 5686.
Glass, Isaac (b. - d. )
Goldberg, Harry L. (b. 19 Feb 1907 - d. 15 Jan 1988)
'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Hershel son of Yosef. Died 25 Tevet 5648. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Goldberg, Ida (b. 30 Aug 1876 - d. 18 Mar 1958)
Translation: Here is buried. A pleasant and honest woman. Here honor is like a queen. A good Wife and mother to her children. Pitied the poor and supported the needy. Mrs. Esther Etel daughter of Mr. Yehuda. Died on the 26th day of Adar in the year 5708. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Goldberg, Joseph (b. 15 Mar 1876 - d. 20 Feb 1964)
Translation: Here is buried. In eternal memory of an honest man. Mr. Yosef son of Shmuel Benyamin. Died on the 7th day of Adar in the year 5724. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Goldberg, Mary Lu (b. 19 Aug 1944 - d. 29 Oct 2001)
'Our heart, our soul, our compass, treasured and adored Wife, best mother ever.' Translation: Elisheva daughter of Avraham. Died 12 Cheshvan 5762.
Goldberg, Mollie G. (b. 3 Feb 1912 - d. )
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'.
Goldstein, Esther (Mrs.) (b. 15 Sep 1832 - d. 24 May 1905)
Goodmen, Israel (b. 1865 - d. 1920)
Gordon, Hyman (b. 27 May 1912 - d. 19 Dec 1972)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Chaim son of Yakov (ha'Kohen). Died 14 Tefvet 5733. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gordon, Ira Jay (b. 15 Jan 1923 - d. 7 Sep 1978)
Translation: Ezra son of Hyman. Died Elul 5738. May God bless you and watch over you. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gordon, Israel (b. 15 Mar 1867 - d. 6 Jan 1951)
Translation: A God-fearing and honest man. Died at an old age. Yisrael Zalman. Died 28 Tevet 5701. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Gordon, Rebecca Blankfield (b. 1880 - d. 1962)
Translation: Here is buried. A pleasant and modest woman. Mrs. Rivka daughter of Mr. Moshe. Died 10 Shvat in the year 5722. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Greenberg, Bernard George (b. 4 Oct 1919 - d. 24 Nov 1985)
'A scholar who did justly, lived mercy, and walked humbly with God.' Translation: Reuven Dov son of Yeshaya. Died 11 Kislev 5746. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Greenberg, Ida Weiner (b. 22 Feb 1897 - d. 5 Sep 1979)
Spouse - Philip Greenberg. Translation: Chaitzka daughter of Avraham. Died 13 Elul 5739. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Greenberg, Philip (b. 6 Mar 1898 - d. 7 Oct 1965)
Spouse - Ida Weiner Greenberg. Translation: Pesach son of Aharon. Died 11 Tishrei 5726. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Greene, Jean S. (b. 18 Feb 1905 - d. 29 Aug 1992)
Spouse - Philip M. Greene. 'In memory of beloved Wife and mother'. Translation: Sheina Tova daughter of Hillel. Died 27 Nissan 5752. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Greene, Phillip M. (b. 27 May 1906 - d. 19 Apr 1988)
Spouse - Jean S. Greene. 'Beloved husband and father. May he rest in peace.' Translation: Feivel Matel Greene. Died 02 Lyar 5748. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Grossman, Will (b. 1945 - d. 7 Apr 2012)
Died in Orange County, NC. Born in Czernovitz, Ukraine. Julius and Anna Grossman. Husband of Lynne Gladstein Grossman. Howerton & Bryan Funeral Home
Hackel, Donald Benjamin (b. 7 Jul 1921 - d. 15 Jun 1994)
'Beloved husband, father and teacher'.
Harris, Rosa Mary (b. 2 Mar 1900 - d. 21 Jul 1919)
Haskell, Jennie (b. - d. )
'Mother'. Translation: Our beloved mother. Yenta daughter of Mr. Nachum. Died 09 Elul 5707. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Haskell, Morris (b. 1862 - d. 1954)
Translation: Our dear father Moshe, son of Yechiel Yitzchak. Died on the 30th day of Nissan in the year 5741. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Hayes, S. M. (b. 18 Feb 1887 - d. 26 Jun 1935)
Hayes, Sylvia R. (b. 10 Mar 1910 - d. 25 Feb 1926)
Daughter of S.M. Hayes of Henderson, NC. 'Darling we miss thee'. 'Gone but not forgotten'. Translation: Sarah (written incorrectly).
Herbst, Dorothy P. (b. 6 Oct 1911 - d. 4 Apr 2003)
Spouse - Stuart K. Herbst. Translation: Yodasa daughter of Yosef and Rachel. Died 02 Sivan 5763. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Herbst, Stuart K. (b. 1 Nov 1907 - d. 23 Aug 1981)
Spouse - Dorothy P. Herbst. Translation: Shalom son of Shaya (ha'Levi). 23 Av 5641. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Heyman, Dorothy K. (b. 10 Sep 1915 - d. 10 Jun 1991)
Translation: Devora daughter of Yisrael. Died 28 Sivan 5751. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Higger, Annie (b. - d. 18 Nov 1946)
[Inscriptions] 'Mother', 'P.N. (here is buried), Our dear mother, an important and modest woman, Henna, daughter of Mr. Yehuda Higger, died 24 Cheshvan 5707, T.N.Tz.B.H.' The marker has fern leaves and a Star of David. The father's surname of Higger is erroneous. His given name was Yehuda, and his surname was Cohen; he was Julius Cohen. Hennie was the youngest daughter of Julius and Rebecca Cohen.
Hennie Higger is referred to as Henna in Hebrew and Annie in English. She died while a widowed resident of Baltimore MD.
Higger, G. (b. - d. 12 Jun 1931)
[Inscriptions] 'P.N. (here is buried) Our father Mr. Gootman, Son of Mr. Gershon Higger, 27 Sivan 5695'
His fathers name is shown as Higger. Mr. G. (his first name in English was Goodman) Higger came from Rogov, Lithuania. His Wife was Annie Higger (really Hennie Cohen Higger). Their children were Julius, Harry, Sarah, Goldie and Moses (aka. Moe). The family migrated to the U.S. in approximately 1905. The family were long-time residents of South Boston, VA. Mrs. Annie Higger was the youngest daughter of Julius Cohen.
Hill, Charles W. (b. 1897 - d. 1954)
'Requiesgat in pace'. Translation: Mr Nachum Dov (Zev?) son of Mr. Meir Moshe. Died on the day 01 Adar in the year 5714. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Hockfield, Ida (b. 13 Dec 1897 - d. 2 Aug 1945)
'Mother'. Translation: Our dear mother. The modest woman. Mrs. Eida daughter of Mr. Chaim. Died 23 Av 5705.
Isaacs, Bertram M. (b. 4 Mar 1922 - d. 23 Oct 1964)
Translation: Here is buried. Benyamin Moshe son of Wolf. Died 18 Cheshvan 5725. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Isaacs, Libby Drescher (b. 17 Feb 1925 - d. 30 Jun19822)
Translation: Leiba daughter of Shmuel. Died 09 Tamuz 5742. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Jaffe, Philip (b. Abt 1855 - d. 19 Mar 1933)
[Inscriptions] '....,. Yehoshua Falk, son of Mr. Mordechai Yaffe, 21 Adar 5692, T.N.Tz.B.H.' The first line appears to be an acronym consisting of the Hebrew letters (r-l) Ayin, Lamed, Fay, Tes. There is a Masonic emblem on the marker.
Philip's death certificate lists his father's given name as Moses. Philip came with his Wife and two sons from Michigan to Durham somewhere around 1895. He stated that he was born in Ponevezh, Lithuania and that he married his Wife Lena (Lottie Miriam) Cohen in 1883. He was known as Falke Jaffe, Falke being a diminutive of the name Yehoshua Falk, which is a compound given name. Philip's Wife Lottie Miriam Jaffe died on 9 October 1946 at about age 90.
The Jaffe's had two sons: Louis Isaac Jaffe and Hyman Jaffe. Louis, probably born in Detroit MI in 1888, was a Pulitzer Prize winning editor of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot newspaper from 1919 till 1950. Hyman, probably born in Bay City MI in 1889, joined his father in the soft-goods and clothing business in Durham and South Boston VA.
Kadis, Charles Z. (b. 26 May 1870 - d. 28 Jun 1952)
'Father'. Translation: (the word Zion appears in the star instead of the usual "pey-nun" for "here is buried"). T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kadis, Rivka (b. 30 Sep 1875 - d. 9 May 1947)
'Mother'. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kaplan, Herbert Paul (b. 18 Feb 1931 - d. 31 Mar 1998)
Translation: Our beloved father. Chaim Pesach son of Eliyahu Leib. Died on the 4th day of Nissan 5748. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kaplan, Irving (b. 1 May 1899 - d. 9 Nov 1973)
Spouse - Minnie Kaplan. 'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Isser son of Moshe (ha'Kohen). Died 14 Cheshvan 5734. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kaplan, Louis Harry (b. 29 Mar 1904 - d. 14 May 1956)
Translation: Our father, head of the family. Eliyahu Leib son of Pinchas. Died on the 4th day of Sivan in the year 5716. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kaplan, Minnie (b. 8 Jun 1895 - d. 24 Mar 1981)
Spouse - Irving Kaplan. 'Beloved Wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother'. Translation: Mindel Kaplan. Died 18 Adar II, 5741. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kaplan, Philip (b. Abt 1872 - d. 14 Jan 1928)
Kaplon, Chassie (b. 1879 - d. 13 Jan 1943)
Spouse - Phillip Kaplon. Translation: Our dear mother, homemaker and the glory of her children. Chassa daughter of Asher. Died 06 Tevet 5703. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Kaplon, Fannie (b. - d. )
Katz, Bernard (b. 22 Apr 1916 - d. 15 Sep 1959)
'Beloved son and brother'. Translation: A dear young man and a lovely young man who turned from evil and was devoted to good. Young in years but accomplished much. Suddenly death came and snayched him. The young man, Baruch, son of Mr. Moshe. Died on the 12 of Elul in the year 5719. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Katz, Gilbert (b. 14 Aug 1917 - d. 6 Dec 1986)
'Beloved brother and uncle'. Translation: Gershon son of Moshe. Died 05 Kislev 5747. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Katz, Jacob (b. 15 Dec 1896 - d. 19 Sep 1977)
Translation: Mr. Yakov son of Mr. Aba. Died 07 Tishrei 5738. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Katz, Lena Chesler (b. 9 Jan 1897 - d. 28 Nov 1962)
'Beloved Mother'. Translation: Here is buried. A virtuous woman the crown of her home who was charitable all her life. Mrs. Leah daughter of Mr. Natan. Died 01 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5723. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Katz, Morris (b. 15 Dec 1889 - d. 23 Jul 1928)
'In memory of our beloved father, may he rest in peace.' Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. How great the pain. How deep the wound. To see our father buried in the prime of life in the grave. Our heart is seized with utter pain. We remain orphans, infants and tender babes. Tears do not cease to fall from our eyes, to see how our crown has fallen from our head. May your innocent and pure soul be in the Garden of Eden for your work for charity, education and Torah. Our father, Moshe son of Abba, died on the sixth day of Menachem Av 5688.
Kirshner, Marya (b. 2 Oct 1964 - d. 20 Oct 1970)
Translation: Miriam daughter of Nachum. Died 20 Tishrei 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Koplowitz, Teresa M. (b. 9 Oct 1928 - d. 6 Feb 1974)
Translation: Tirtza daughter of Asher. Died 14 Shvat 5734. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Krynski, Stefania (b. 5 Nov 1900 - d. 11 Jul 1975)
Translation: Stefania B. Krymski. Died 03 Tamuz 5735. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Krynski, Szymon (b. 16 Sep 1892 - d. 30 Apr 1964)
Translation: Shimon son of Magnus (Manus?) Yakov. Died 18 Lyar 5724. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Land, A. (b. - d. 22 Mar 1927)
Land, Ida Sarah (Mrs.) (b. - d. 14 Feb 1929)
Translation: Here is buried. My mother and my teacher. Chaya Sarah Rachel Land daughter of Mr. Zalman. Died 4th day of Adar in the year 5689.
Land, Moses J. (b. 9 Sep 1892 - d. 24 Aug 1915)
Son of A. and S. Land. 'Gone, not forgotten'. Translation: Here lies the young man Moshe Yosef son of Efraim ????? died on the 15th of Elul in the year 5675.
Landshoff, Werner (b. 23 Apr 1905 - d. 18 Jan 1985)
Spouse - Zelda Landshoff. Translation: Died 25 Tevet 5745. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Landshoff, Zelda (b. 7 Jul 1908 - d. 8 Aug 1986)
Spouse - Werner Landshoff. 'Beloved Wife and mother'. Translation: Zelda Landshoff. Died 03 Av 5746. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Leiss, Tirtza Nahmani (b. 4 Oct 1947 - d. 21 Jun 1995)
Translation: Tirtza daughter of Penina. Who went to Eternity before her time. Died 23 Sivan 5755. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levin, Anna Greene (b. 8 Aug 1882 - d. 3 Dec 1945)
Translation: Our dear mother the modest woman. Mrs. Chana daughter of Mr. Yakov. Died 29 Kislev 5706. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levin, H. (b. Abt 1844 - d. 1 May 1922)
Levin, Ida Florence (b. - d. 19 Feb 1920)
Levine, Dora Stein (b. 1899 - d. 1971)
Translation: Dina daughter of Yakov. Died ?7 Av 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levine, Henry (b. 1874 - d. 3 May 1930)
Levine, Meyer (b. Abt 1897 - d. 28 Dec 1924)
Levine, R. Leah (Mrs.) (b. - d. 10 Dec 1909)
Levitt, Annie S. (b. 18 Jul 1886 - d. 25 Mar 1971)
Translation: Chana daughter of Yakov Pinchas. Died 28 Adar 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levitt, Joe Myer (b. 6 Sep 1912 - d. 13 Jul 1993)
Translation: (there are spelling mistakes in the name and the year) Yosef Meir son of Moshe and Chana. Died 24 Tamuz 5753. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levitt, Morris Y. (b. 15 Oct 1881 - d. 24 Mar 1944)
Translation: Our beloved father, the honest man, Mr. Moshe Yehuda son of Shneur Zalman. Died 02 Sivan 5704. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levy, Idalia Alberta (b. 17 Jan 1881 - d. 4 Feb 1888)
Daughter of Jacob and Carrie Levy.
Levy, Moses (b. 17 May 1888 - d. 21 Oct 1953)
Translation: Our father, head of the family. Mr. Moshe son of Shmuel. Died on the 12th day of Cheshvan in the year 5714. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Levy, Sadie (b. 17 Feb 1859 - d. 13 Feb 1927)
Spouse - Simon Levy. Age 68 years. Translation: In memory of our mother, our queen. The woman Sheina the daughter of Yitzchak Shaul. Died 01 Adar in the year 5647. T.N.Tz.B.H. [there are some spelling errors on this marker]
Levy, Simon (b. 1 Jan 1855 - d. 22 Jan 1931)
Age 76 years. 'Father'. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts mourn the death of our beloved father. Shmuel son of Yisrael who left this life 04 Shvat 5691.
Lewin, George (b. 7 Apr 1897 - d. 6 Mar 1994)
'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Zvi Hirsh son of Wolf. Died 23 Adar 5754. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Lewin, Ray (Ricki) Rosenstein (b. 12 Jul 1907 - d. 5 Jul 1988)
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'.
Lieberman, Eva Fox (b. 1906 - d. 1965)
Spouse - Nathen Lieberman. 'Beloved mother'
Lieberman, Nathan (b. 1899 - d. 1965)
Spouse - Eva Fox Lieberman. 'Beloved father', 'The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.' Inscription
Lipper, Susan S. (Mrs.) (b. 30 Jan 1946 - d. 31 May 2003)
Age 57 years. Funeral home marker.
Lipton, Cecille Rosenblum (b. 17 Jan 1925 - d. 29 Sep 2013)
Died in Durham County NC. Born in New Orleans LA. Daughter of James Rosenblum and Debbia Feldman Rosenblum. Wife of Robert I Lipton. Howerton & Bryan Funeral Home Durham.
Lipton, Robert I. (b. 11 Dec 1920 - d. 6 Dec 1976)
'To love is to remember'. Translation: Yisrael son of Shimon. Died 14 Kislev 5737. T.N.Tz.B.H.
London, Edith Caspary (b. 20 Apr 1904 - d. 26 Sep 1997)
Wife of Fritz Wolfgang London. married in Berlin, Germany in 1929. had two children: Francis Michael London and Rose Louise London. Translation: Here is buried.
London, Fritz Wolfgang (b. 7 Mar 1900 - d. 30 Mar 1954)
husband of Edith Caspary London. Born in Breslau, Germany. son of Franz and Luise Hamburger London. Married in Berlin, Germany in 1929. Came to work at Duke University in 1939 as a professor of theoretical chemistry. In 1953 was named James B. Duke Professor of Chemical Physics. Memorialized by the annual Fritz London Memorial Lecture at Duke University and by the biannual international Fritz London Award in low-temperature physics.
Lovett, Sarah (b. - d. 6 Nov 1912)
Man, Gedale (b. 1902 - d. 1993)
'Beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather'. Translation: Asher son of Alexander (Gedale in Hebrew should be Gedaliya). (the date is not correctly written; there is no year with the third letter of "zayin"). Died 27th of some month in 5753 or 5754.
Man, May Freedman (b. 7 Jan 1904 - d. 19 May 1984)
On same marker with Jacob S. Freedman. 'In loving memory of our dear devoted Wife and mother'. Translation: Miriam. Died 19 Lyar 5755. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Man, Toba N. (b. 1903 - d. 1971)
'A woman who reveres the Lord. She shall be praised.' Translation: A woman who fears God is praiseworthy. Tova daughter of Mr. Zeev. Died 29 Lyar 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Mandel, Lazaro Jacobo (b. 13 Oct 1940 - d. 22 Aug 1998)
'ITO' Lower part of marker 'Holy, Holy, Holy' from the Memorial Prayer for the dead.. Translation: 11 Tishrei 5700 - 01 Rosh Chodesh Elul 5759. Eliezer Yakov son of Chaim and Sarah.
Margolis, Abraham (b. Abt 1913 - d. 23 Jun 1947)
Age 34 years. 'Beloved brother'. Translation: An unpretentious and honest man. Avraham son of Michal. Died 05 Tamuz 5707. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Margolis, Celia (b. - d. 27 Jan 1951)
'Beloved mother'. Translation: Here is buried. Tzvia daughter of Mr. Yakov Koppel Margolis. Died 20 Shvat 5711. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Margolis, Charles (b. 25 Dec 1893 - d. 20 Feb 1973)
Spouse - Lena L. Margolis. 'Beloved father and mother'. Translation: Bezalel son of Yerachmiel Nachman. Died 18 Adar II, 5733. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Margolis, Florence Dorothy Goldberg (b. 25 Mar 1911 - d. 1 Apr 2003)
Spouse - Samuel Margolis. Age 92 years. Funeral home marker. Translation: Feiga Deena daughter of Yosef born on the 25th of Adar 5671, died on the 28th of Adar 5763. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Margolis, Lena L. (b. 14 Jul 1894 - d. 20 Feb 1973)
Spouse - Charles Margolis. 'Beloved father and mother'. Translation: Leah daughter of Mr. Eliyahu. Died 18 Adar II, 5733. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Margolis, Michael (b. 24 Jan 1880 - d. 10 Feb 1931)
Translation: In memory of the soul of our father, Mr Michel, son of Chaim Yakov, who departed this life 23 Shvat 5691. Date of birth from Petition of Naturalization dated 28 May 1913.
Margolis, Samuel (b. 8 Jul 1910 - d. 25 Jan 2004)
Spouse - Florence Dorothy Goldberg Margolis. Age 93 years. Funeral home marker. Translation: Shmuel son of Michael born on Rosh Chodesh/Tammuz 5670, died on the 2nd of Shvat 5764. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Markman, Sarah Dinah (b. 1940 - d. 29 Jul 2006)
Wife of Mark Robertson. daughter of Sidney David and Malvina Man Markman of Durham. mother of Eva Toba Melamed and Lynette Jacobs. Helped to design the iron gates at the entrance to Durham Hebrew Cemetery.
Messenger, Aaron (b. Sep 1882 - d. 29 Oct 1939)
Translation: Here is buried, our beloved father, Mr. Aharon son of Shalom. Died (spelled out) on 16 Cheshvan 5700. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Messenger, Isadore (b. 13 Jan 1919 - d. 2 Feb 1976)
Translation: Yitzchak son of Avraham. Died 01 Adar 5736. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Messenger, Minnie Murnick (b. 9 May 1884 - d. 24 Sep 1967)
Translation: Mina daughter of Avraham. Died 17 Elul 5727. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Meyer, Anna Switzer (b. 20 Nov 1909 - d. 29 Mar 1990)
Spouse - Sigmund Meyer. 'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'.
Meyer, Sigmund (b. 14 Jan 1904 - d. 4 Mar 1991)
Spouse - Anna Switzer Meyer. 'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'.
Michtom, Ida Ethel (b. 19 Aug 1885 - d. 24 Nov 1918)
Miller, Harry (b. Abt 1880 - d. 21 Feb 1920)
Miller, Joseph William (b. 9 Apr 1903 - d. 23 Mar 1953)
Translation: A faithful worker toiling until his return to the dust. Mr. Joseph son of Mr. Shimon. Died on 7 Nissan 5713. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Miller, Sarah L. (b. 1844 - d. 1938)
'My beloved mother'. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. My eyes are flowing with tears at the death of my dear and righteous mother. A virtuous woman. Chaya Sarah daughter of Mr. Aharon Miller, that departed from life 16 Lyar 5693. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Miller, Sarah Libby (b. 12 Sep 1870 - d. 13 Apr 1928)
Miller, Simon (b. - d. 10 Nov 1931)
Spouse - Sarah Libby Miller. T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts are broken on the death of our dear father, Shimon, son of Michel. Died 01 Kislev 5692.
Moel, Florence Rosenstein (b. 26 Mar 1914 - d. 6 Mar 1964)
Translation: The woman, Feiga, daughter of Mr. Tanchum Yisrael. Died 22 Adar 5624. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Morris, Benjamin (b. Abt 1844 - d. 30 Aug 1921)
Morris, Chaie (b. 1856 - d. 1916)
Morris, Infant (b. 15 Dec 1899 - d. 17 Dec 1899)
Son of Aaron and Fannye Morris.
Morris, Narum (b. 2 Feb 1878 - d. 2 Feb 1904)
Morrison, Joseph L. (b. 28 May 1918 - d. 11 Nov 1970)
'Beloved husband, father, teacher'. Translation: Yosef son of Moshe Leib. Died 12 Cheshvan 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Mulowitz, Hannah (b. 10 Jun 1878 - d. 5 Feb 1928)
Mulowitz, Harry B. (b. 3 Oct 1880 - d. 11 Aug 1965)
Translation: Hershel son of Mr. Benyamin. Died 21 Av 5725. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Munich, Marie (b. 1879 - d. 1951)
Spouse - Sam Munich. Translation: Leiba Etel daughter of Mr. Yakov Velvel. Died 17 Av 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Munich, Sam (b. 26 Mar 1876 - d. 29 Aug 1933)
Spouse - Marie Munich. Translation: (misspellings) The crown of our family has fallen. Our father, Shaul, son of Nathan. Died with a good name 01 Elul 5692 (5693?)
Murnick, Harry (b. 1880 - d. 1 Jan 1928)
Murnick, Sarah Bessie (b. - d. 9 Sep 1926)
Nachamson, Eli (b. 20 Aug 1881 - d. 20 Dec 1933)
Backside of marker. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts are broken on the death of our dear and lovely father, Mr. Hillel, son of Yisrael, who departed this life on the 2nd day of Tevet 5694.
Nachamson, Jennie Bloom (b. 20 May 1882 - d. 9 Oct 1942)
Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts mourn the death of our dear and beloved mother. Sheina Zisa daughter of Mr. Wolf (spelling mistake), who departed from life 28 Tishrei 5703.
Nachamson, Morris (b. Abt 1867 - d. 19 Dec 1950)
Age 83 years. Translation: An unpretentious and honest man. Moshe son of Yisrael. Died 12 Tevet 5701. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Neuworth, Flora (b. 15 Sep 1879 - d. 15 Apr 1941)
Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Frumet daughter of Mr. Hirsh.
Novi, J. L. (Mr.) (b. - d. 27 Dec 1900)
Nurkin, Harry Abraham (b. 10 Jul 1875 - d. 22 Jan 1944)
'Father'. Translation: Our father a lovely man, and honest man. Mr. Avraham Tzvi son of Shalom. Died 27 Tevet 5701. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Nurkin, Leo (b. 4 May 1911 - d. 10 Jan 1948)
Translation: A simple and honest man. Our dear and lovely father. Mr. Aryeh Leib, son of Avraham Tzvi. Died 28 Tevet 5708. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Nurkin, Mike (b. 29 Jan 1901 - d. 31 Oct 1959)
Translation: Here is buried Mr. Michel son of Mr. Hirsh. Died on the 02 day of Cheshvan 5704. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Nurkin, Rebecca (b. 22 Oct 1875 - d. 15 Nov 1952)
'Mother'. Translation: ?? Death of our mother, Rivka, daughter of Mr. Yakov (ha'Kohen). Died 27 Cheshvan in the year 5713. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Ornoff, Isiaac (b. 15 Nov 1888 - d. 1 Aug 1974)
'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Mr. Yitzchak son of Yechezkel. Died 12 Av 5734. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Ornoff, Nathan (b. 1 Jan 1912 - d. 19 Jul 1940)
Translation: Neta Meir son of Mr. Yitzchak
Ornoff, Rebecca S. (b. 5 Mar 1889 - d. 13 Apr 1981)
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'. Translation: Rivka daughter of Benyamin. Died 09 Nissan 5741. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Parker, Sieg (b. 26 Mar 1923 - d. 11 Dec 1995)
Spouse - Sylvia Parker. Translation provided by Peter Parker: Abraham son of Moses Joseph Laban. Date of death: 18 Kislev 5756 (the 5000 part is left off) which is 11 Dec 1995. Next line: T.N.Tz.B.H.
Parker, Sylvia (b. 3 Feb 1928 - d. )
Spouse - Sieg Parker. [no inscription]
Pas, Eric Ivan (b. 21 May 1948 - d. 21 Nov 1997)
'Loving husband and father'. Translation: Asher Yisrael son of Aharon. Died 21 Cheshvan 5748. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Perilstein, Elaine Ostroff (b. 17 Sep 1946 - d. 11 Feb 1998)
'Beloved mother, Wife and daughter'. Translation: Esther Sima daughter of Eli and Baila. Died 15 Shvat 5758. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Phillips, Eva Salber (b. 1916 - d. 1990)
'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'.
Pomerantz, Gerri Ann (b. 17 Sep 1952 - d. 19 Jul 1998)
'With love we remember her grace, beauty, intellect and laugh.' Translation: Gitel daughter of Bezalel and Zisel. Died 28 Tamuz 5758. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Primakoff, Abram (b. 15 Jun 1874 - d. 5 Jul 1951)
Spouse - Pearl Primakoff. 'Devoted father'. Translation: (spelling mistakes) An unpretentious, honest and God-fearing man went to Eternity at an old age. Avraham son of David. Died 01 Tamuz 5711.
Primakoff, Pearl (b. 20 Oct 1879 - d. 10 Dec 1949)
Spouse - Abram Primakoff. 'A beloved mother, a devoted Wife.' Translation: Perel daughter of Zeev. A virtuous woman, crown of her husband and glory of her sons. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rabin, Joseph Saul (b. 11 Nov 1963 - d. 20 Oct 1970)
Translation: Yosef Shaul son of Eliyahu. Died 20 Tishrei 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rancer, Isidore R. (b. 25 Dec 1886 - d. 2 Oct 1967)
Spouse - Rose Z. Rancer. 'Beloved father'. Translation: Yisrael Mordechai son of Moshe. Died 27 Elul 5727. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rancer, Rose Z. (b. 12 Jul 1893 - d. 19 Oct 1962)
Spouse - Isidore R. Rancer. 'Beloved Wife and mother'. Translation: Raisa daughter of Yitzchak Leib. Died 21 Tishrei 5723. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rancer, Sidney Seymour (b. 12 Sep 1913 - d. 30 Oct 1990)
'Beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend. Adventurous, brilliant, spirited, artist, sportsman, entrepreneur and civic leader. Cherished memories keep him near. Our shining star.' Translation: Zalman Shimon son of Yisrael Mordechai. Died 11 Cheshvan 5751. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rapport, Samuel (Dr.) (b. - d. 30 Jan 1927)
Translation: Our father, Mr. Shmuel son of Yisrael Eliyahu Rapport. Died 27 Shvat in the year 5687.
Raynor, Jules (b. 18 Dec 1936 - d. 9 Jul 1959)
'Beloved son of Sam and Beatrice'. Medical staff and microscope on marker.
Reed, Helen F. (b. 1 Aug 1910 - d. 10 Oct 1989)
Robbins, Rose Guyes (b. 22 Jul 1899 - d. 12 Nov 1981)
'Beloved Mother'. Translation: Raisa daughter of Aryeh. Died 15 Cheshvan 5742. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Roemer, Rose Sawilosky (b. - d. 16 May 1988)
Translation: A beloved and praiseworthy woman. Crowned with every honest quality. Mrs. Raisa daughter of Chaim. Died 29 Lyar 5748. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rose, Nathan (b. 14 Apr 1912 - d. 22 Jul 1925)
Translation: The young man Nechemiya, son of Yisrael Rose, born 21 in the month of Nissan 5692 (year is incorrect, should be 5672). Died Rosh Chodesh Av 5685. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rose, Samuel (b. 29 Jan 1869 - d. 9 Aug 1940)
'Father'. Translation: Yeshaya son of Avraham.
Rosefielde, David Alexander (b. 14 Nov 1978 - d. 20 Sep 1998)
'Beloved'. Translation: David Avrohum, son of Simcha and Sprinya. David Alexander, son of Steven Shelley and Susan Rosefielde.
Rosenberg, Albert (b. 20 Apr 1900 - d. 25 Mar 1961)
'Beloved husband'. Translation: Here lies, a righteous and humble man. His work came to an end and here he died and left behind him grief and sorrow (sighing). He went to eternity and his soul rests. Aryeh Leib son of Shalom. Died on the 9th day of Nissan 5721.
Rosenberg, Rose (b. 29 May 1904 - d. 26 Feb 1985)
Translation: Shoshana daughter of Heshel. Died 05 Adar 5745. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Rosenstein, Mary (Mrs.) (b. 9 Dec 1877 - d. 8 May 1939)
Translation: Miriam daughter of Mr. Avraham.
Rosenstein, Nathan (b. 5 Mar 1877 - d. 27 Dec 1935)
Translation: Nachum Yisrael son of Dov Berish.
Sawilosky, Charles (b. 30 Dec 1889 - d. 4 Dec 1960)
Translation: A simple man who enjoyed his work. A loyal worker and proud provider who woked unitl he returned to the earth. Mr. Shabtai son of Menachem. Died on the 25th day of Kislev in the year 5721. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Schenker, Sarah R. (b. - d. 16 Jun 1905)
Schlanger, Henry (b. 1 Jan 1869 - d. 30 Sep 1947)
Translation: Our dear father. My charming husband. The honest man. Mr. Chaim Yitzchak. Died on the 2nd day of Succoth (Feast of Tabernacles) 5708. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Schlanger, Julia (b. 4 Jul 1877 - d. 6 Jun 1951)
Translation: A beloved and praiseworthy woman. Crowned with honest quality. Practiced charity all her life and guided her children in the ways of the Torah. Mrs. Sasha daughter of Mr. Leizer. Died 02 Sivan 5711. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Schultz, Morris (b. Jan 1895 - d. 30 Nov 1972)
'Beloved father and husband'. Translation: Moshe son of Yeshayahu. Died 24 Kislev 5733. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Schwartz, Anna Cohen (b. 13 Jun 1905 - d. 12 Jan 1987)
'Cover her briefness with singing'. Translation: Chana daughter of Avraham. Died 11 Tevet 5747. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Schwarz, Fred Edward (b. 6 Feb 1920 - d. 2 May 1995)
Spouse - Lillian Santer Schwarz. 'Beloved husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Mordechai Yitzchak son of Michel. Died 02 Lyar 5755. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Schwarz, Lillian Santer (b. 18 May 1921 - d. 30 Jan 2003)
Spouse - Fred Edward Schwarz. 'Beloved Wife, mother and grandmother'. Translation: Chaya daughter of Yechezkel and Rachel. Died 27 Shvat 5763. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Segal, Ben (b. 15 Mar 1916 - d. 6 Mar 1994)
'A loving husband, father and grandfather'. Translation: Benyamin son of Hershel. Died 23 Adar 5754. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Seligman, Edward (b. 3 Apr 1907 - d. 20 Oct 1981)
'Beloved brother and husband'. Translation: Avraham son of Natan. Died 22 Tishrei 5741. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Shatzman, Herbert Francis (b. 23 Jul 1927 - d. 26 Jan 2014)
Died in Durham County NC. Born in Brooklyn, NY. Son of Celia and Harry Shatzman. Husband of Eunice Frohman Shatzman married on September 7, 1952 in Rochester, NY. US Navy WW-II. Howerton & Bryan Funeral Service Durham.
Sheps, Cecil George (Dr.) (b. 24 Jul 1913 - d. 8 Feb 2004)
Sheps, Mindel Cherniack (b. 20 May 1913 - d. 15 Jan 1973)
'To see things plain and still to care'
Sher, Annie (b. Abt 1882 - d. 29 Sep 1950)
Age 68 years. Translation: A God-fearing woman who did acts of mercy and gave charity all her life. Reina daughter of Mr. Laizer Yitzchak. Died 18th of Tishrei 5761. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Sher, Flora Ruby (b. 12 Apr 1941 - d. 10 Feb 1950)
Daughter of Morris L. and Gertrude Sher. Translation: Fruma Riva daughter of Moshe and Gimel (Gitel?). Died 23 Shavat 5710.
Sher, Gertrude (b. 5 Jul 1902 - d. 29 Sep 1947)
Spouse - M.L. Sher. 'Mother'. Translation: Gitel daughter of Mr. Chaim Ber. Died 17 Tishrei 5708.
Sher, Louis (b. 25 Nov 1908 - d. 6 Jan 1965)
'Father'. Translation: Leibel Meir son of Mr. Moshe. Died 04 Shvat 5735. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Sher, Morris (b. - d. 16 Feb 1936)
'Father'. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts are broken at the death of our beloved father, Moshe Chaim son of Mr. Asher, who departed this life 23 Shvat in the year 5696.
Sher, Morris (b. 1894 - d. 1961)
'Beloved father'. Translation: A humble among all people. Mr. Moshe son of Tzvi Yosef. Died on the 20th of Av 5721. T.N.Tz.B.H.'
Shevel, Leah (b. 16 Jan 1902 - d. 21 Jan 1927)
'In memory of our beloved Leah daughter of M. and Sarah Shevel'.
Shevel, M. (b. 15 Oct 1873 - d. 14 Mar 1917)
Translation: Here lies a good and just man who did charity and kindness, Menachem Mendel son of Yosef Shlomo ????? died on the 20th of Adar 5677. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Shlomovitz, Family (b. - d. 1943)
Translation: In memory of the Shlomovitz family, murdered in Auschwitz 5703 (1943). T.N.Tz.B.H.
Shway, Gussie (b. Abt 1863 - d. 12 Aug 1947)
Age 84 years. Translation: A woman who had mercy on the needy and was God-fearing. Chaya Gitel daughter of Yehoshua. Died 27th of Av 5607. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Siegel, Earl (b. 10 Mar 1924 - d. 11 Jun 2001)
'A man of loving kindness, husband, father, grandfather, teacher, pediatrician'. Translation: Yitzchak son of Yekutiel. A merciful (pious?) man. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Silbert, Sarah Shevel (b. 31 Aug 1882 - d. 13 Oct 1940)
'Let her works praise her in the gates.' Translation: her name written in Hebrew: Sarah Shevel Silbert.
Silver, Annie (b. 1857 - d. 28 Mar 1933)
Spouse - Frank Silver. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. Our hearts mourn the death of our beloved mother. Hana daughter of Eliezer, who left this life 29 Adar 5693.
Silver, Emma (b. Abt 1899 - d. 15 Jun 1929)
Please see entry for Emma Silver Baron above. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. My eyes are filled with tears on the death of my daughter Vichna, daughter of Mr. Ephraim Zelig, who departed from this life on the eve of Shavouth (Festival of Weeks) in the year 5689.
Silver, Frank (b. 1862 - d. 1927)
Spouse - Annie Silver. 'Our father'. Translation: Here is buried. Streams of tears flow from our eyes on the passing of the head of our family. Our beloved and charming father is no longer. Mr. Ephraim Zalin (Zelig?) son of Shabtai. Died on the 3rd of Elul 5687. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Silver, Herman (b. 26 Sep 1881 - d. 17 Mar 1920)
Silver, Jack (b. 23 Nov 1903 - d. 13 Jul 1950)
Spouse - Bertha F. Silver. Translation: The head of our family. Yakov Hillel. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Silver, Rene (b. 16 Oct 1930 - d. 15 Jun 1989)
'In loving memory'. Translation: Here is buried. Rivka daughter of Isa. Born 24 Tishrei 5692. Died 12 Sivan 5749. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Silver, Rosa Levin (b. 17 Mar 1887 - d. 19 Apr 1966)
Spouse - Herman Silver. Translation: Rosa daughter of Mr. Hershel. Died 29 Nissan 5726. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Silverberg, Louis (b. 13 Jul 1892 - d. 7 Feb 1960)
Slifkin, Eva Baden (b. 1900 - d. 14 Jan 1984)
Spouse - Isaac Louis Slifkin. Translation: Chana daughter of Natan. Died 10 Shvat 5744. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Slifkin, Isaac Louis (b. 1895 - d. 2 Dec 1983)
Spouse - Eva Baden Slifkin. Translation: Yitzchak son of Zalman. Died 26 Kislev 5743. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Smolensky, Joseph (b. 1 May 1869 - d. 1 Feb 1935)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Yosef Shmolensky.
Smolinsky, Leib (b. May 1899 - d. 29 Oct 1899)
Aged 5 months. Translation: Here is buried the child Leib son of Yosef.
Smullen, Frank Mayer (b. 1943 - d. 1983)
Stone is flat on ground. Star of David emblem.
Stadiem, Abraham D. (b. 9 Nov 1912 - d. 25 Feb 1998)
Translation: Avraham David son of Shmuel Eliezer. Died 29 Shvat 5758. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stadiem, Jacob I. (b. 5 Dec 1914 - d. 5 Nov 1982)
Translation: Yakov Yisrael son of Shmuel Eliezer. Died 19 Cheshvan 5743. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stadiem, Louis Samuel (b. 4 Jul 1878 - d. 15 Jul 1962)
Translation: A pious and trustworthy man. Mr. Shmuel Eliezer son of Meir David. Died 13 Tamuz 5722. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stadiem, Myer N. (b. 16 Dec 1909 - d. 12 Feb 1984)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: Meir Nachman son of Shmuel Eliezer. Died 09 Adar I, 5744. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stadiem, Rebecca Siegel (b. 20 Sep 1920 - d. 9 Sep 1972)
'Beloved Wife, mother and teacher'. Translation: Toba Rivka daughter of Mr. Eliezer. A virtuous woman, the crown of her husband. Died 01 Tishrei 5733. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stadiem, Sophia Shapiro (b. 10 Apr 1881 - d. 1 Jan 1948)
Translation: A virtuous woman, the crown of her husband and glory of her children. Mrs. Shifra daughter of Moshe Lev. Died 19 Tevet 5708. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stein, Ethel (b. - d. 12 Oct 1918)
Spouse - Isaac Stein. Close-up of marker. Translation: Here lies happy in life, in death not separated (over her and spouse's inscription), Here lies Rochel Ettel daughter of Tzvi Stein, died on the 6th or 7th day of the month of Chesvan year 5679. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stein, Isaac (b. - d. 2 Oct 1918)
Spouse - Ethel Stein. Close-up of marker. Translation: Here lies happy in life, in death not separated (over her and spouse's inscription), Here lies Yitzchak ????? son of Nachum(?) Stein died on the 26th month of Tishrei year 5679. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Stone, Jesse (b. 17 Jul 1964 - d. 10 Nov 2001)
'Cherished son, beloved brother, constant friend'. Translation: Yeshai Tedek son of Sarah and Chaim. May his memory be blessed. Born 08 Av 5724, Died 24 Cheshvan 5762.
Swartz, Clara (b. 31 Dec 1879 - d. 20 Jul 1948)
Translation: A virtuous, God-fearing woman. A good worker all her life. Mrs. Kaila daughter of Mr. Shlomo. Died 13 Tamuz 5708. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Swartz, Max (b. 3 Oct 1904 - d. 29 Dec 1992)
Spouse - Sarah Swartz. Translation: Avraham Moshe son of Shabtai. Died 05 Tever 5753. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Swartz, Nellie (b. 25 Jul 1878 - d. 13 Oct 1919)
Swartz, Sam (b. 20 Nov 1875 - d. 8 Nov 1956)
Translation: Our beloved father. Head of the family. Shabtai Chaim son of Mr. Shmuel. Died 5th day of Kislev in the year 5717. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Swartz, Sarah (b. 29 Apr 1906 - d. 29 Jul 1991)
Spouse - Max Swartz. Translation: Sarah Rivka daughter of Yosef. Died 09 Av 5750. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Switzer, Betsey (b. 1871 - d. 21 Jan 1933)
Switzer, David (b. 25 Apr 1894 - d. 15 Aug 1908)
Switzer, Mark (b. 15 Mar 1867 - d. 14 Oct 1947)
Translation: We are crying at the death of our father. Michel son of Mr. Avraham. Died 30 Tishrei 5708. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Tanner, Anna M. (b. 4 Oct 1898 - d. 14 Nov 1958)
Translation: Here is buried. A praiseworthy and beloved woman crowned with every honest quality. Practiced charity all her life and guided her children in the ways of the Torah. Mrs. Chana Gitel daughter of Mr. Shimon. Died on the 2nd day of Kislev in the year 5719. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Tartell, Maurice Murray (Dr.) (b. 7 May 1918 - d. 6 Oct 2002)
Unknown, ?? (b. - d. 22 Feb 1901)
Unknown, Infants (b. - d. )
Unknown, Yehuda (b. - d. )
Wagner, Herman (b. 6 Mar 1912 - d. 30 Jun 2000)
'Devoted husband, father and grandfather, and best friend to his Wife and children'. Translation: Herman Wagner. Died 27 Sivan 5760. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Wallach, Martin Simon (b. 18 Mar 1932 - d. 27 May 1965)
Translation: Meir son of Leib.
Weiss, Fannie C. (b. 1 Mar 1895 - d. 15 Jun 1954)
Translation: Here is buried, ... a dear mother ..., Fayga, daughter of Mr. Yisrael Yitzchak, (date of death), T.N.Tz.B.H.'
Fannie is the eldest child and eldest daughter of E. Cohen and Jennie Cohen. Fannie was born in Virginia and brought to NC as an infant. She was a very community-oriented person, always helping people. Fannie and her husband Max Weiss probably had a son named Morton Weiss.
Weiss, Max Isaac (b. 18 Oct 1892 - d. 11 Dec 1962)
Translation: Here is buried, Mordechai Yitzchak son of Mr. Moshe Yehuda (Max Isaac son of Moses Judah), (date of death), T.N.Tz.B.H.'
Max was a native of Dickson City PA. his mother's name was Tony. He lived most of his life in Harrisburg PA. He and his Wife Fannie move to Chase City VA in 1946. Max was a member of the Masons, the Shriners and the Lions. He was survived by a son named Morton Weiss.
White, Edith (b. 7 Feb 1880 - d. 19 Jan 1930)
Spouse - A.L. White. 'A loving Wife, a fond mother and a friend to all.' Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. How great is our pain, how deep is our wound to see our lovely mother buried in the grave. The woman, Eida daughter of Mr. Shmuel Yitzchak, who departed this life 19 Shvat in the year 5790. We will always be sorrowed by her death. Died suddenly in Cape Town.
Wilson, Anna (b. 15 Jul 1863 - d. 24 Oct 1945)
Translation: Our beloved mother. The modest woman. Mrs. Chana daughter of Mr. Yitzchak. Died 17 Cheshvan 5706. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Wilson, Charles (b. 20 Apr 1888 - d. 11 Mar 1958)
Translation: Here is buried. A simple man who enjoyed his work. A good provider for his Wife and sons. A loyal worker who worked until he returned to the earth. Mr. Tzalel son of Mr. Abraham. Died on the 19th day of Adar 5718. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Wilson, Lena L. (b. 8 Jun 1895 - d. 30 Oct 1986)
Translation: Lena Wilson. Died 27 Tishrei 5747. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Wilson, Rebecca Land (b. - d. 25 Sep 1949)
'A devoted Wife and mother, a precious sister'. Translation: Here is buried. A beloved woman. Mrs. Fraida Riva daughter of Mr. Ephraim. Died on the 2nd day of the New Year 5710. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Woolf, Afram (b. Abt 1873 - d. 31 Mar 1938)
Spouse - Anna Woolf. Translation: Here is buried. My beloved father. Ephraim son of Moshe Nechemiah. Died 25 Adar 5698. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Woolf, Anna (b. Sep 1886 - d. 29 Jan 1951)
Spouse - Afram Woolf. 'Mother'. Translation: Elkya (Elka?) daughter of Mr. Shlomo Lev.
Woolf, Driizy (b. - d. )
Woolf, M.N. and J.M. (b. - d. )
Twin sons of Afram Woolf. Translation: Our sweet sons. Moshe Nechemiah, son of Mr. Ephraim. Yitzchak Mordechai, son of Mr. Ephraim. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Zankel, Mollie (b. 4 Jul 1880 - d. 15 Nov 1960)
(ADAR) after birth date. Translation: A modest and pleasant woman. Her honor is that of a princess. A good Wife to her husband and a good mother to her children. Helped the needy and supported the poor. Mrs. Malka daughter of Mr. Tzvi. Died on the 25th day of Cheshvan 5721. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Zuckerman, Charles Thomas (b. 25 Nov 1890 - d. 5 Feb 1985)
Spouse - Sophie Zuckerman. Translation: A righteous and honest man.
Zuckerman, Ethel (b. 1860 - d. 2 Jun 1941)
Translation: Etel daughter of Yehoshua. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Zuckerman, Jacob (b. Abt 1893 - d. 29 Jun 1925)
Age 32 years. Translation: Here lies my son the bridegroom, Yaakov the son of Mr. Yitzchak Zeev Zuckerman, aged 32 years. Died 16 Sivan 5685.
Zuckerman, Luba K. (b. 14 Aug 1886 - d. 6 Aug 1971)
Translation: Leiba Itel daughter of Mr. Yakov Velvel. Died 15 Av 5731. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Zuckerman, Nathn (b. - d. 27 Mar 1901)
Translation: Here lies Eliyahu Nissen son of Yehoshua Zuckerman died on the 26th Adar II of the year 5600. T.N.Tz.B.H. (note: assuming that the Hebrew year is correct, then the Gregorian date of death inscribed on the tombstone should be 1900)
Zuckerman, Sarah G. (b. - d. 27 Jul 1924)
Translation: Here lies. The sounds of mourning accompany the death of our dear devout mother. She will be glorified for her piety. died before her time. The woman Sarah Gittel the daughter of Mr. Meir. Died 25 Tamuz 5684.
Zuckerman, Soloman (b. 1881 - d. 1952)
'Beloved husband and father'. Translation: T.N.Tz.B.H. A righteous man, trustworthy, a shelter for the poor and a refuge for the needy, practiced charity, a just person who sought to do good for others day and night. Mr. Shalom son of Mr. Yitzchak Bunimu (Bunim?).
Zuckerman, Sophie (b. 13 Jun 1893 - d. 24 Jan 1983)
Spouse - Charles Thomas Zuckerman. Translation: Ziel (Zisel?)
Zuckerman, William (b. 1894 - d. 1962)
Translation: An honest man who will always be remembered. Mr. Velvel son of Eliyahu Natan. Died 08 Adar 5723. T.N.Tz.B.H.
Web page updated 15 April 2021
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