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Location - 217 Craven St, Beaufort.
The cemetery adjoins the north side of the Old Burying Ground and is surrounded by an iron fence. When surveyed only a few old markers were extant, none of which had fully legible inscriptions.
Surveyed by Linda Sadler of Beaufort in May 2006.
McMory, Annie Lina Davis (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
"Mother"; grave surrounded by concrete blocks
Mumford, M. E. (b. 1856 - d. Unknown)
Footstone reads "M.E.M." Likely a descendant one of the freed slaves of James Harker. Peter and Cate Mumford and Cate's son Daniel were freed in 1783. "Mossis" Mumford was a registered voter in Beaufort precinct in 1867.
Taylor, Albert (b. 12 May 18_2 - d. Unknown)
Taylor, Kent Eleey (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Inscribed on same Pharaoh headstone as Albert
Unknown, Unknown (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Web page updated 19 April 2021
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